MELON for beauty

Melon is an annual herb originating from Asia, and belongs to the family Cucurbitaceae, or pumpkin.The fruit is round or oval-oblong shape, weighing 1-2 kg. Hard bark can be smooth, wrinkled or mesh with the lobes. Inside, the edible part is usually orange or green-white, a cavity is filled with seeds.

It was  known In China for 1000 years before Christ. The Bible mentions that the Israelites when they left Egypt with Moses forty years wandering in the wilderness, complaining of theirs favorite foods, especially melons. Pictures from cities Herkulanuma and Pompeii (79 AD) indicate that the Romans knew the melon.

Melon has very important positive effects on health:

--content of vitamin C and A, which also act as antioxidants, protecting the body from cardiovascular diseases and aging
--water and potassium stimulate kidney function, assists in removing toxins from the body, and potassium has a beneficial effect to people with high blood pressure because it reduces it
--with action of fiber helps digestion and helps in reducing body weight and abdominal bloating
--beacuse o high content of beta-carotene, melon is among in the anticancer foods
--coating of squeezed juice from grated melon is used to eliminate pain.

Anti-Wrinkle Mask from melon
In a very short period of time melon compensates the lack of moisture. Clear melon and one slice use for the preparation of mask. Melon mash to a pulp and apply on your completely clean  face. After twenty minutes, rinse with lukewarm water. This mask alleviates a symptom of "skin irritation", and sunburn.

Mask from the melon and watermelon
Mash flesh melons in the mush that you will put on your face and neck. Leave on for 20 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water. This mask refreshes, revitalizes and restores skin moisture and is helping to prepare the skin for sun exposure because of beta-carotene and lycopene what is helpping in achieving faster and more evenly tanned complexion.

The recipe for dry skin care: in squeezed juice of melon add equal amounts of milk and rose water;obtained lotion is used to lubricate the face, leave on the skin 20 minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water.

Recipe for acute inflammation of the gall bladder : throughout the season of ripening melons (cantaloupe until a) you should eat it three times a day.

The recipe for the linings of burns and stings: made wraps from squeezed melon juice or scrubbed melon, and put on the painful area.
For dry hair: Crumble a few slices of melon in a blender and arrange her on your hair. Let it acts fifteen minutes, then rinse well. For a higher gloss, in the last water rinse, add a spoon of apple vinegar. This package can be used once a week.

Mask of the melon for normal / dry skin: Mix 2-3 teaspoons crushed core of melon with raw egg yolk and with 1 teaspoon sour cream. Apply to cleansed face and leave for 15-20 min. Rinse with warm water and apply moisturizer. The skin will be nourished and revitalized.

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