Beauty secrets that celebritys will not discover to you

It is the misconception that the famous ladies owe their flawless apperance only to surgery and botox. Many of them use cheap tricks for beauty, but are reluctant to talk about them. 

It seems that the world famous beautys is easier to talk about numbers of operations that have been subjected, than about small  and very cheap tricks performed in the privacy of their homes. What celebritys extensively uses to manage shine on the red carpet.

  • White pencil - white eyeliner is a popular trick among supermodels beacuse she apparently opens the eyes, and applied only to the inside of the lower eyelid.
  • Satin pillow - small lines on the face that appear after a night's sleep on a cotton pillow eventually trn into wrinkles, that's way is much better to sleep on satin pillow, which also has beneficial effect on the appearance and health of hair.
  • Cranberry juice - the famous red hair ladies rinses hair just with cranberry juice, in order to give it a nice shine, and if you drink cranberry juice, has beneficial effect for health of internal organs and blood cells.
  • Peppermint extract - peppermint has a natural task of expanding the blood vessels, espesially those on surface, so that is much better option than collagen injections. Put a little peppermint extract to the lips and everyone will admire your naturally full lips.
  • The trick for fresh face - Another trick for moisturizing of face is whole milk mixed with water in a spray bottle. Apply to the face several times a day, and you will have refreshed and healthy skin.
  • Lemon juice - Natural toner lemon juice, is cleaning and refreshing the face by narrowing the pores and keeping clear skin. Squeeze lemon, put on the cotton wool and clean the face before bedtime.
  • Olive oil - removes even wateproof mascara, and is rich with vitamin A and E, which are known as natural antioxidants. Also great for removing dark circles. The test has showed that applying olive oil, dark circles disappier after only three days, beacuse the dark circles are usually result of dry skin.

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