I have curly blond hair of medium length, and is very, very dry and difficult for take care of it. But I have some secrets for tendance my hair that I will discover for you.
The secret is not in expensive cosmetics and shampoos but in that what Mother Nature gives to us.
For blond hair i use chamomile shampoo and once a month I rinse my hair with the tea of chamomile. Chamomile gives to my hair nice glow, my hair is softer and my blond color is very nice and emphasized. Also I use Oil from Avocado, which I applied once a week on ends of my hair before before shampooing, and let it stand between 5 - 10 min. Avocado Oil helps me for cracked hair ends. Sometimes I use essential oil from rosemary, which I poured into my shampoo or I rinse my hair with tee from rosemary (always use essential oils in amounts of up to 20 drops on the rest of the ingredients 1dl). Also if you want to lighten your hair, apply the juice of fresh squeezed lemon. The result will be even better if you let your hair gently dry on the sun.

Black hair is very beautiful, but if you have problems like dandruff, cracked or gray hairs, she will be your worst enemy. Nothing destroys the shine of black hair like hair spray, so avoid it in a wide berth.

Some natural masks for any hair:
1. Anti Dandruff mask
Dandruff is due to sudden hormonal changes a very common and unpleasant appearance. Prepare packung of olive ail and rosemary.
Recipe: At on teaspoon of olive oil put ten drops of rosemary oil, carefully rinse the hair, rub good, massaging scalp. It will be the best to leave the packung to act overnight and rinse in the morning very good your hair.
2. Ends of hair are dry, but hair get very fast fat
This is one of the worst and so frequent combination. You need vitamin A and biotin.
Recipe: Crumble a few slices of melon in blender and arrange on hair. Let it stay 15 minutes on hair, then rinse it well. For a higher shine, in the last water for rinse, add a teaspoon of apple vinegar.
3. For strenghten the hair roots
Recipe: yolk, half a teaspoon of rum and 2 teaspoon of olive oil, mix and rub into hair. Leave overnight or couple of hours, and rinse with chamomile.
4. Use beer for great hair and volume
Required: 30 ml distilled water or fresh clean rainwatter, 2 teaspoon of apple vinegar, 7 drops essential oil of lemon, 30 ml of beer, 5 drops essential oil of calendula. Mix all ingredients. Use this mix in the final hair rinse. Your hair will be shining bright, due to the addition of essential oils eill not take the smell of beer.
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