Cinnamon and chocolate

Cinnamon and chocolate are fine in many forms of gastronomy. But you can use this 2 ingredients in other ways. How to get rid of the ants, save a broken lipstick or body of the mosquito?

Did you know that ants hate cinnamon? If you want to get rid of the ants, sprinkle cinnamon in all the cracks from where are they coming out. Your home will be odoriferous and final free.

Mosquitoes loves you a lot? In a pot with water, put an equal amount of pure vanilla and put the preparation on parts of your body that most come up.

You have a problem with the hiccups, and the water does not helping? Take a piece of dark chocolate, which should prevent the annoying hiccups.


If the bread is too soft and you can not properly cut him, simply heat the knife and you solve the problem. However, the blade of the knife should not be placed directly on the flame.

How to discover which the eggs are fresh, and who does not? soak them in a pot with cold, salted water. If egg sink its fresh, if it floats its not fresh.

As any women if you also have problems with cellulite, massage this part with black sludge from the coffe, beacuse all anti cellulite products have kofein in it. Sludge is cheaper and really works.

One of the tips that will help you that your kitchen stays longer clean, and the food delicious is this: Always heat the pan first, and after that put oil inside, if you bend the drawers of kitchen cabinets, polish them with dry soap.

Do you like to prepare dry cookies and biscuits, a box in which you keep them, put half an apple. This will
retain moisture, and cookies will not be too soft.

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