How to remove stains from sweat and deodorant?

There are three posible ways to remove stains from sweat and deodorant, check it out.

1. Soda+water
If you on your shirt alredy have spots, from deodorant or from sweat, you can remove them with the mixture of baking soda and water. Put this mixture with the cloth on the spots and leave it overnight. In the morning should be no more spots. And this mixture you can use on all kind of colors and clothes. After this wash your shirt in usual way.

2. Lemon
To remove stains from sweat on the white clothes, cut lemon in half, stain splash with water, and effuse pinch of salt. Then smears salt with cuted lemon and leave the shirt stay 2 - 3 hours on the sun. After this time wash on usual way your shirt.

3. For stubborn stains
First, this part with stain dip with isopropyl alcohol (low alcohol which is mainly used for cosmetics) and leave to rest 10 minutes. After that, entire shirt (or other clothes) dip into water, in which is added Vanish or some different oxy clean product and leave to rest 2-3 hours. After this time, wash your clothes in the normal way.

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