Strawberry for beauty

Strawberries are fruits of the low bushes, which grows wild, but is also systematically cultivated. Belongs to the family Rosaceae (rose), which on a long stem has three milled sheet.They flower is white, and berries are red. With cultivation would grow very big and red strawberries. From the garden strawberry are known pineapple strawberries which have big fruit and sweet-sour taste.

The healing

Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin B-9, important in the blood and participates in the metabolism of amino acids. Lack of this vitamin in the diet causes fatigue and anemia, and insufficient intake of folate and increases the risk of colon cancer. Folic acid is a synthetic form of folate that can be taken as a vitamin supplement or foods enriched with this vitamin. When found in foods as a natural ingredient, also called folate, and most contain it strawberries, oranges, green leafy vegetables and asparagus. Strawberry has Vitamin C and is natural antioxidans.
Antioxidants provide protection of the body by destroying free radicals that damage cells and contribute to cancer and heart disease, and accelerate the aging process. The content of antioxidants in strawberries are seven times more than apples or bananas, and two times more than oranges or grapes.

Strawberryes on your skin

Strawberry puring blood, a tired face will return the freshness in a few moments overlaid rings of just picked ripe strawberries over your face. Or you can a handful of strawberries cut in rings or blend in the puree. Before applying the mask to open pores and skin disinfection, steam your face with linden tea, thyme, rosemary or sage. Only after that apply a mask and let work ingredients to the skin. Rinse with warm water and enjoy the effect of freshness on your face.

Anti-Wrinkle Strawberry Mask 
Strawberries are not only delicious to eat, but are also useful in skin care. We bring you an easy recipe for strawberry mask.

1 / 2 cup strawberries
1 / 4 cup cornstarch.

Blend the strawberries and cornstarch together to form a uniform mixture. Apply the mixture on your face. Allow 30 minutes on face and rinse with cold water.

For tired skin
Three tablespoons of juice from the strawberries, mix with soup spoon of milk and one egg-white. Put the mask on cleansed face and hold it for fifteen minutes. Wash with lukewarm water, apply the cream and you will see how your skin looks completely new look.

For dry skin
Mash strawberryes and mix them with one tablespoon of sour cream to get a thick pulp. Apply this mixture on the face, that you have a good clean.
Leave on for 20 minutes, and then with the cotton wool soaked in milk, remove from face and wash. 
This procedure is especially good dry and rough skin, and even when the capillaries have it.

For oily skin
You need:
8-9 ripe Strawberries
3 tablespoons organic Honey

How to do it:
Mash the strawberries to a pulp (don't overdo it and make it too watery) add the honey and blend it to a smooth paste. Smooth the paste gently and equally with your fingertips on your clean face and neck; keep the eye area clear. Now lie down, relax and leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes. Then wash it off with lukewarm water and end with a splash of cold; pat your skin dry with a clean towel.

For acne skin
Honey soothes and softens your skin. In general this strawberry facial mask will leave your skin smooth and tight. It also removes impurities in the skin and is a powerful acne fighter

What do you need:
5-6 Strawberries
1/2 tablespoon heavy Cream or Yogurt
2 teaspoons organic Honey
How to do it:

Mash the strawberries and add the cream and honey. Mix this until you have a smooth and uniform substance. Smooth the paste gently and equally with your fingertips on your clean face and neck; keep the eye area clear. Now lie down, relax and leave the mask on for 20 minutes. Then wash it off with fresh cold water; pat your skin dry with a clean towel

Hair mask
If your hair is reddish, a mask of strawberries will give it a wonderful glow. Crush five to six, mix the strawberries with 2 oz of apple juice. Leave on hair for half an hour, then wash with a neutral shampoo. If you have auburn hair, instead of the apple juice, use blueberry or black currant juice.

MELON for beauty

Melon is an annual herb originating from Asia, and belongs to the family Cucurbitaceae, or pumpkin.The fruit is round or oval-oblong shape, weighing 1-2 kg. Hard bark can be smooth, wrinkled or mesh with the lobes. Inside, the edible part is usually orange or green-white, a cavity is filled with seeds.

It was  known In China for 1000 years before Christ. The Bible mentions that the Israelites when they left Egypt with Moses forty years wandering in the wilderness, complaining of theirs favorite foods, especially melons. Pictures from cities Herkulanuma and Pompeii (79 AD) indicate that the Romans knew the melon.

Melon has very important positive effects on health:

--content of vitamin C and A, which also act as antioxidants, protecting the body from cardiovascular diseases and aging
--water and potassium stimulate kidney function, assists in removing toxins from the body, and potassium has a beneficial effect to people with high blood pressure because it reduces it
--with action of fiber helps digestion and helps in reducing body weight and abdominal bloating
--beacuse o high content of beta-carotene, melon is among in the anticancer foods
--coating of squeezed juice from grated melon is used to eliminate pain.

Anti-Wrinkle Mask from melon
In a very short period of time melon compensates the lack of moisture. Clear melon and one slice use for the preparation of mask. Melon mash to a pulp and apply on your completely clean  face. After twenty minutes, rinse with lukewarm water. This mask alleviates a symptom of "skin irritation", and sunburn.

Mask from the melon and watermelon
Mash flesh melons in the mush that you will put on your face and neck. Leave on for 20 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water. This mask refreshes, revitalizes and restores skin moisture and is helping to prepare the skin for sun exposure because of beta-carotene and lycopene what is helpping in achieving faster and more evenly tanned complexion.

The recipe for dry skin care: in squeezed juice of melon add equal amounts of milk and rose water;obtained lotion is used to lubricate the face, leave on the skin 20 minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water.

Recipe for acute inflammation of the gall bladder : throughout the season of ripening melons (cantaloupe until a) you should eat it three times a day.

The recipe for the linings of burns and stings: made wraps from squeezed melon juice or scrubbed melon, and put on the painful area.
For dry hair: Crumble a few slices of melon in a blender and arrange her on your hair. Let it acts fifteen minutes, then rinse well. For a higher gloss, in the last water rinse, add a spoon of apple vinegar. This package can be used once a week.

Mask of the melon for normal / dry skin: Mix 2-3 teaspoons crushed core of melon with raw egg yolk and with 1 teaspoon sour cream. Apply to cleansed face and leave for 15-20 min. Rinse with warm water and apply moisturizer. The skin will be nourished and revitalized.

Cheap treatments for a flawless look

A little effort in preparing the various products multiple will pay off. Besides that you will do a great service to your wallet, you will be satisfied with the results.

Vinegar for shiny hair

Those who yearn for a shiny hair should try a diluted vinegar.All you need to do is wash your hair with vinegar after washing. He will gloss the layer of cells form the hair cuticle, which reflects light.After a couple of rinsing with vinegar you will notice significant changes in the structure of hair. I have not yet tried this tip, beacuse i am afraid of smell of vinegar on my hair.

Cucumbers and honey  for narrow pore

It is not necessary to spend a fortune on cosmetic toner in addition to this 100% natural formula. To narrow the spread pores, mix one of medium size, chopped cucumber with two teaspoons of honey. Cucumber chop with blender, then strain through a sieve and the juice that you get in this way, mix with honey. Keep tightly closed in a bottle in the refrigerator and use as a toner.

Revitalizing peeling of an orange

Remove dead skin cells with this revitalizing scrub orange. In a medium-size bowl, squeeze juice and pulp of medium-sized orange, and then add four teaspoons of corn grits. This mixture I use as a scrub for face and body. Massage the skin three to four minutes, then rinse well.

After the summer is very important to remove dead skin cells and restore moisture to the skin.
Except of peeling from the orange, try peeling from olive oil and sea salt, which will deeply nourish dry skin.

Honey for Dry Skin

If you are suffering with dry, tight skin of the face, do not have to spend hundreds of dollars on ready-made face masks. Simply lubricate the face and neck, with honey, wait 10 minutes and rinse.

Wrap the cracked tops of hair

All you need is one egg and a little olive oil. Mix ingredients well and apply on the tops of hair, and if you have dry hair, apply a mixture on full length of hair. Leave on for 20 minutes to half an hour, and rinse and wash with shampoo.

How to fight blackheads

I found this video on youtube and i try it on myself and it really works, i guarantee it to you. This is the cheapest, safest and the best solution. Try it and convince you alone :

VIDEO: Avoid the most common mistakes in plucking eyebrows

One of the more sensitive areas are certainly eyebrows, at whose editing we often make mistakes, which in second can disrupt all our efforts to look attractive and prestigious. So automatically we are violating our confidence because we are aware that our face is not looking in the way it should be, so we are always thinking how others see it.

Find out which are the most common mistakes when creating eyebrows that we keeping repeating and how to prevent them.

First mistake: Many people pull more fluffs at once, which is why it often happens that they shaping more than what they originally planned. An excellent way to prevent this mistake is by plotting the line that will help you and remind you to where you may twitch.

Second mistake: Confused about eyebrow shaping? If you really do not want to change the shape of your eyebrows, just refine it. Start by finding the most natural point of your brow, which is located above the outer corner of your iris.If it is more than the rest of your eyebrows, remove a few hairs beneath that point to highlight the arc. If, is a arc in line with the rest of your eyebrows, you can skip this step.

Third mistake: Twitching in the wrong direction. 'Accept' fluffs with forceps as close to its roots and the skin and make a gentle but quick move in the direction of natural hair growth.
Pulling a fluffs in the opposite direction from their natural growth damages the hair follicle, causing the fluff may grow again in the wrong direction.

Check the video:

Fourth mistake: Long hairs. Comb eyebrows with clean toothbrush that you no longer use, and fluffs that are still sticking cut with scissors still respecting the eyebrow shape. Even perfectly twichted eyebrows can look like a bush when the individual fluffs are too long. Which can lead to that you twitch too much eyebrowns by trying to remove them completely.

The fifth mistake: Color. Plotting eyebrows with pencil is great, fast and effective solution, but sometimes it can seem too artificial, and for this purpose, you should prefer to use powder. The trick is to find the right color powder that is a shade lighter than your natural eyebrow color, never darker. Use a small angle brush with which you can make short moves to the most natural way to 'connect' with your eyebrows.

Always pretty

First detoxification, than clay, and finnaly peeling of the skin. Enhance your menu with alkaline food such as parsley, almond, kale, pear, lemon and apple, reduce the sugar, meat, fish and cheese and take routine cleansing with masks. 

Our body has daily a battle against numerous toxins and pollutants from the environment. The greatest danger prowl in the junk food, hard water and waste air, which harmful effects most exposed are our skin and hair. Health and beauty of skin and hair you will keep with Detox treatments, with adequate cosmetic preparations and with adoption of small but important changes in your nutrition.


The basic rule of healthy nutrition is that the ratio of alkaline and acidic food is 80:20. If you eat too many acidic food, it  will negatively affect the calcium, potassium and magnesium, which are responsible for healthy and strong bones, teeth and hair.
Therefore enrich your menu with alkaline food such as parsley, almond, kale, pear, lemon and apple and cut meat, fish, cheese and eggs. After eathing healthy you will clean your body from inside, and the next step is to revizalize skin and hair.


The danger for hair are minerals from hard water that can accumulate around hair follicles. The solution is a filter that softens hard water. For skin are deleterious contaminants from the environment, which dry hair up. The skin will help regular deep cleansing with clay mask. It has a negative charge and attracts the positively charged dust particles and draws them to te surface. Clay will clean your skin from the residue of heavy metals from water which dry hair up, and will open clogged pores.

Live up your hair with peeling a scalp

Less washing a hair during the cold monts is a big mistake, beacuse the dead skin cells accumulate around the hair follicles. Remove them by peeling scalp with preparations with salicylic acid. Wash your hair oft with shampoo with aloe vera without sulphate to remove the remains of hair-care products. Teeth also need pilling, and the best is to eat the strawberryes that are the natural bleacher.

Detoxification with food

Although there is no evidence that fast, expensive pills for skin and hair and drinks for detoxification helps you to look better,nutrition affects your look and skin. Changing the nutrition helps to get rid of acne and to maintain strength.

Carefully pick proteins, hormones from traditionlly produced meat and dairy products can cause acne. Replace that with beef and chicken nourished with crops.

Reduce sugar

Refined sugar stimulates the process of glycation, which accelerates the aging process. Glycation damages the collagen and elastin, which maintain strength and youthfulness of skin. Replace sugar with easily digestible herbal sweeteners.

Neutralize the effects of heavy metals in way that before the moisturizer you apply the serum, which removes toxins. Vigorous exfoliation can irritate skin, so for removing dead skin cells use mild soap. The sun is the largest cause of skin inflammation, premature skin aging and formation of free radicals that damage skin. Every morning, protect skin with moisturizer with SPF and antioxidants.

How to remove stains from sweat and deodorant?

There are three posible ways to remove stains from sweat and deodorant, check it out.

1. Soda+water
If you on your shirt alredy have spots, from deodorant or from sweat, you can remove them with the mixture of baking soda and water. Put this mixture with the cloth on the spots and leave it overnight. In the morning should be no more spots. And this mixture you can use on all kind of colors and clothes. After this wash your shirt in usual way.

2. Lemon
To remove stains from sweat on the white clothes, cut lemon in half, stain splash with water, and effuse pinch of salt. Then smears salt with cuted lemon and leave the shirt stay 2 - 3 hours on the sun. After this time wash on usual way your shirt.

3. For stubborn stains
First, this part with stain dip with isopropyl alcohol (low alcohol which is mainly used for cosmetics) and leave to rest 10 minutes. After that, entire shirt (or other clothes) dip into water, in which is added Vanish or some different oxy clean product and leave to rest 2-3 hours. After this time, wash your clothes in the normal way.

Cinnamon and chocolate

Cinnamon and chocolate are fine in many forms of gastronomy. But you can use this 2 ingredients in other ways. How to get rid of the ants, save a broken lipstick or body of the mosquito?

Did you know that ants hate cinnamon? If you want to get rid of the ants, sprinkle cinnamon in all the cracks from where are they coming out. Your home will be odoriferous and final free.

Mosquitoes loves you a lot? In a pot with water, put an equal amount of pure vanilla and put the preparation on parts of your body that most come up.

You have a problem with the hiccups, and the water does not helping? Take a piece of dark chocolate, which should prevent the annoying hiccups.


If the bread is too soft and you can not properly cut him, simply heat the knife and you solve the problem. However, the blade of the knife should not be placed directly on the flame.

How to discover which the eggs are fresh, and who does not? soak them in a pot with cold, salted water. If egg sink its fresh, if it floats its not fresh.

As any women if you also have problems with cellulite, massage this part with black sludge from the coffe, beacuse all anti cellulite products have kofein in it. Sludge is cheaper and really works.

One of the tips that will help you that your kitchen stays longer clean, and the food delicious is this: Always heat the pan first, and after that put oil inside, if you bend the drawers of kitchen cabinets, polish them with dry soap.

Do you like to prepare dry cookies and biscuits, a box in which you keep them, put half an apple. This will
retain moisture, and cookies will not be too soft.

Shampoo as home magic tric

I will say you that shampoo is not just for washing hair, you can use shampoo at home for some other things.

If you have any problems with the zipper, put some shampoo on it and you will quickly solve the problem. Similarly, if you want painlessly remove the patch from your hands, apply a drop of shampoo and wait a few minutes and gently remove the patch. 

Do you have old shoes that you love so much, but they have lost color and shine? It will be sufficient a few drops of shampoo to apply to leather shoes, rub well and restore gloss to your favorite shoes.

With shampoo you can remove your make up, and refresh the feet. Before bedtime, rouge your feet with the shampoo, put on cotton socks, and in the morning enjoy the silky touch of your feet.

Try it !

Why is better to have small breasts?

Lately, many are working to develop a better bra that will visually enhance a woman's breasts. But there are three scientific evidence why it is better to have smaller breasts. Many women with small breasts often despair beacuse Mother Nature has not endowed them and always wear padded bras to visually enhance thous which are not proud of. Let's see: 

--One study showed that larger breasts are less sensitive than smaller ones. "Larger breasts contain more fatty than glandular tissue, which is the most sensitive part."This is also reason why is easier smaller breasts to stimulate during foreplay, the glands are not covered with a layer of fat.

--During the self examination is easier to feel a lump, beacuse smaller breasts have fewer layers beneath the skin. Smaller breasts can also save your neck. Larger breasts are heavy and put pressure on the entire body. Larger breasts are changing posture, the neck is tight and there is greater likelihood of frequent headaches.

--Funny one. At a time when people lived in caves, men have a way to determinate how is a woman old. They had to pay attetion to the physical signs. Big breasts were for them an indication that it's an older women. When a women has small breasts, it is much harder to estimate how old is she. Smaller breasts are less affected by gravity which means they remain longer time tighter and sexier.

Most importat thing is to stay happy and satisfied with yourself. Someone has a big nose, somebody loppy ears, somebody wrong teeth ... so what? 

Where would be the World if we where all the same?

How to get flat stomach like Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts definitely belongs in the group of women after 40 years which continues to attract sighs. To make all even better, two years befor this Diva and mother of three children revealed in a bikini shrunken stomach and so become a heroin of "ordinary womens". 

This year things are different. Julia Roberts (43) recently show us on a beach in Hawaii enviably flat stomach. 

How did she do that? According to her personal trainer, Roberts mostly exercise in the pool and doing aqua-jogging at different speeds, while wearing a special belt for exercise in the water. 

When she is at the gym, she exercise step aerobic to burn fat, she exercise a lot on the ball and a bicycle, which give the tone abdominal muscels. 

VIDEO : Learn how to save a failed makeup

How many times you lost the battle with gravity and accidentally dropped just boughted eye shadow that has disintegrating into thousands of tiny particles. Do not despair, there is no need to throw it into trash, beacuse I will show you how easily repair this situation.No matter how much money you spend on eye shadow and how it excellent is, there is always possibility that you will one day pull out your cosmetic bag and realize that they managed somehow to burst.

You can continue to use eye shadow in this new condition, but with each new opening you must ensure that dust and pieces of former eye shadow stay in their miniature tank. Not only that it consumes your nerves, but you risk that this destroyed shadow mixed with other colors in the palette. So you would have even bigger problem. This can be easily prevented by fixing the initialy damage and re fixing the scrambled eye shadow. To add a few drops of medical alcohol into destroyed eye shadow and pressing it with gauze and teaspoon or coin you can rebuild and do amost new eyeshadow. Watch video:

This process takes only few minutes and all you need to do is to destroy into dust all eye shadow, to get to the powder, press with coin size that corresponds to the container in which the eye shadow is, wrapped with the gauze, which is soaked with alcohol and press some 30 seconds. The pressure must be strong enough to fix the eye shadow agaian. And if you have put to much alcohol, wait a few minutes to alcohol evaporate. With the same method you can fix pressed powder or blush, in video see exactly how:

Beauty secrets that celebritys will not discover to you

It is the misconception that the famous ladies owe their flawless apperance only to surgery and botox. Many of them use cheap tricks for beauty, but are reluctant to talk about them. 

It seems that the world famous beautys is easier to talk about numbers of operations that have been subjected, than about small  and very cheap tricks performed in the privacy of their homes. What celebritys extensively uses to manage shine on the red carpet.

  • White pencil - white eyeliner is a popular trick among supermodels beacuse she apparently opens the eyes, and applied only to the inside of the lower eyelid.
  • Satin pillow - small lines on the face that appear after a night's sleep on a cotton pillow eventually trn into wrinkles, that's way is much better to sleep on satin pillow, which also has beneficial effect on the appearance and health of hair.
  • Cranberry juice - the famous red hair ladies rinses hair just with cranberry juice, in order to give it a nice shine, and if you drink cranberry juice, has beneficial effect for health of internal organs and blood cells.
  • Peppermint extract - peppermint has a natural task of expanding the blood vessels, espesially those on surface, so that is much better option than collagen injections. Put a little peppermint extract to the lips and everyone will admire your naturally full lips.
  • The trick for fresh face - Another trick for moisturizing of face is whole milk mixed with water in a spray bottle. Apply to the face several times a day, and you will have refreshed and healthy skin.
  • Lemon juice - Natural toner lemon juice, is cleaning and refreshing the face by narrowing the pores and keeping clear skin. Squeeze lemon, put on the cotton wool and clean the face before bedtime.
  • Olive oil - removes even wateproof mascara, and is rich with vitamin A and E, which are known as natural antioxidants. Also great for removing dark circles. The test has showed that applying olive oil, dark circles disappier after only three days, beacuse the dark circles are usually result of dry skin.

Secrets for a brighter hair that celebritys will not discover to you

I have curly blond hair of medium length, and is very, very dry and difficult for take care of it. But I have some secrets for tendance my hair that I will discover for you. 

The secret is not in expensive cosmetics and shampoos but in that what Mother Nature gives to us.

For blond hair i use chamomile shampoo and once a month I rinse my hair with the tea of chamomile. Chamomile gives to my hair nice glow, my hair is softer and my blond color is very nice and emphasized. Also I use Oil from Avocado, which I applied once a week on ends of my hair before before shampooing, and let it stand between 5 - 10 min. Avocado Oil helps me for cracked hair ends. Sometimes I use essential oil from rosemary, which I poured into my shampoo or I rinse my hair with tee from rosemary (always use essential oils in amounts of up to 20 drops on the rest of the ingredients 1dl). Also if you want to lighten your hair, apply the juice of fresh squeezed lemon. The result will be even better if you let your hair gently dry on the sun.

If you have brown hair, you should use a shampoo from walnut or thistle. You will have a shiny and healthy brown hair, with mask prepared from two egg whites and a cup of strong black coffee. Beat that mixture well and apply to the entire length of the hair. Let it stay so 10 minutes to half an hour. Afterwards wash your hair.

Black hair is very beautiful, but if you have problems like dandruff, cracked or gray hairs, she will be your worst enemy. Nothing destroys the shine of black hair like hair spray, so avoid it in a wide berth.

If you have a red colored hair, then it is most difficult to keep the longevity of color. To prevent this, you can use a pigmented shampoo and hair conditioner. There is a good mask for red hair from strawberryes. Mash and blend 5 - 6 strawberryes and mix with 2 dcl of apple juice. Leave mask on the hair 15 - 30 minutes, then wash it with neutral shampoo. And if is your hair more auburn, instead of apple juice use juice of blackberry or black currant.

Some natural masks for any hair:

1. Anti Dandruff mask
Dandruff is due to sudden hormonal changes a very common and unpleasant appearance. Prepare packung of olive ail and rosemary.
Recipe: At on teaspoon of olive oil put ten drops of rosemary oil, carefully rinse the hair, rub good, massaging scalp. It will be the best to leave the packung to act overnight and rinse in the morning very good your hair.

2. Ends of hair are dry, but hair get very fast fat
This is one of the worst and so frequent combination. You need vitamin A and biotin. 
Recipe: Crumble a few slices of melon in blender and arrange on hair. Let it stay 15 minutes on hair, then rinse it well. For a higher shine, in the last water for rinse, add a teaspoon of apple vinegar.

3. For strenghten the hair roots
Recipe: yolk, half a teaspoon of rum and 2 teaspoon of olive oil, mix and rub into hair. Leave overnight or couple of hours, and rinse with chamomile.

4. Use beer for great hair and volume
Required: 30 ml distilled water or fresh clean rainwatter, 2 teaspoon of apple vinegar, 7 drops essential oil of lemon, 30 ml of beer, 5 drops essential oil of calendula. Mix all ingredients. Use this mix in the final hair rinse. Your hair will be shining bright, due to the addition of essential oils eill not take the smell of beer.